org Chicago/Illinois and TheAccessible Road/La Route Accessible Montréal/Québec. Bill Curtis Davidson, GAAT co chair and consultant of IBM Research,noted that “GAAT Core Team Members plan to reach out to experts and learnfrom different jurisdictions’ efforts, which will explore case examine answer best model forpromoting inclusive travel and tourism in Georgia and Atlanta. ” Leveraging such international connections can assist GAAT develop a unique plan thatwill assist Atlanta and Georgia primarily based agencies’ aims. The agencies participating in GAAT are hopeful that their research anddevelopment efforts will extend case examine answer identity of Atlanta and Georgia ashighly available shuttle and tourism destinations. Their efforts need to someday help Georgia citizens and visitors withdisabilities navigate transportation amenities easily, event smoothair go back and forth, find available motels and inns, event points of interest andexhibits, and feature a entirely interesting experience in Georgia. For additional information on G3ict, please visit To become involved in these meetings, please touch Francesca Cesa .